Kenya | Kianjege AB

Altitude | 1600-1700 MASL
Variety | SL-28, Ruiru 11, SL-34, Batian
This offering from the Kianjege Factory in Kirinyaga is one of the most complex Kenyans we've tasted in a while!
This factory is operated by the Kibirigwi Farmers' Cooperative Society, a group which also runs another 7 wet mills. One of these is the wet mill Nguguini and this factory supplied us another memorable single origin back in the young Cloud Picker days of 2016!
Kibirigwi FCS employs 57 permanent staff and is located at the Ragati wet mill in Kibirigwi. During harvest, they tend to take on about another 80 seasonal staff. The cooperative has 6800 members and is steered by 9 elected executive management members.
After hand-picking, cherries are delivered to the factory and, at the first stage, underripe and overripe cherries as well as foreign materials are removed. They are then pulped and left to soak in water for 16-18 hours to help get rid of all the mucilage. After washing and grading, the coffee is sun-dried.
And ready to be ENJOYED!
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