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Ethiopia | Wolichu Wachu

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Peach | Sugar Cane | Cranberry

Altitude | 1900-2210 MASL  

Process | Natural

Variety | Local Landraces & JARC varieties

Wolichu Wachu makes a triumphant return to our shelves after being one of our most popular coffees last year.  

The Wolichu Wachu washing station has been operating since 2017 and takes in coffee from smallholder farmers around the town of Haro Wachu. It was set up by the Harso Haru Mude Farmer Cooperative and farmers in this area typically own about half a hectare of land.

As a relatively new station, the design of Wolichu Wachu takes advantage of the trials and errors in the county's stations built decades ago. The intake of cherries at the top of the hill improves efficiency of the production line and negates the needs for the pumps many other stations need to move cherries from each stage to the next.

After sorting, floating and washing, the cherries are moved straight to the drying field where they are turned every 30 minutes in a single-cherry layer. After a few days, the layer is thickened to slow the drying process.

A "land-race" is a local variety which has developed naturally as a consequence of natural and cultural influences. It contrasts with a cultivar which is specifically bred in a more purposeful way to capture certain attributes.