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Ethiopia | Benti Nenka

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Bubblegum | Amaro | Honeydew Melon

Region | Hambela, Guji
Altitude | 2000-2300 MASL
Process | Natural

Fermentation | Anaerobic
Variety | 74114


Are you ready for another Guji?

It's two years since our last anaerobically fermented Ethiopian - it can be tricky to find the right balance of cleanliness, fruitiness and the complex balance of flavours and aromas we want to celebrate about the origin. Maybe more than any other coffee-producing country, experimental fermentation here requires a subtle approach.

This coffee from Benti Nenka nails it! A washing station in the Guji zone, Benti Nenka serves 400 family farms of up to 2 hectares. This particular coffee is selected for anaerobic fermentation at the station. The cherries are then left to ferment in a pressurised oxygen-free container for 7-10 days. Throughout this time, the sugar levels are monitored so the development of the process can be tracked.

Once fermentation is complete, the coffee is ready for drying. It is laid out on raised beds, kept in the shade and dried for 15 to 20 days with regular turning to ensure even drying and clean, consistent flavour.

It's time to get Guji with it, again!